The Superbowl is tomorrow! Any football fan knows Superbowl Sunday should be a national holiday, and deserves the same amount of preparation as other holidays. Mom and I have planned the menu for the day (tacos/chips/cookies/etc.) and I've readied my football themed dishes (football-shaped crockpot/snack dish that plays MNF theme when you open it), and I've chosen my wardrobe (Bengals sweatsuit & slippers).

Hopefully the following clip will help you get in the spirit. Disclaimer: I didn't know the answers to most of these questions, either, but it certainly cracked me up! Can't wait to see these guys play!

CNBC's Darren Rovell Gives Hilarious Business Quiz To NFL Players At The Super Bowl
CNBC's Darren Rovell went around Miami quizzing Colts and Saints on the economy.

When asked to identify a picture of the Fed Chairman, the answers varied from "a crook" to "Raj Rajaratnam." After finding out the unemployment rate is 10%, Colts linebacker
Cody Glenn exclaimed: "What's everybody crying about?"

Watch this clip.