I have a big Mary Kay goal this week. My director has challenged me to sell $1000 by Monday, which would allow me to achieve a company milestone -- and I'm excited about tackling it! Thus far my average week is $300, so this goal is quite a stretch. I think it can be done, but not without some help.

If you have a moment and would be interested in helping, please go to my personal web site and browse the great products. Mary Kay is the best selling brand in the skincare and cosmetics categories, so if you haven't tried it you're really missing out. And your order is 100% satisfaction guaranteed, so if you don't like a color or an item just isn't doing what you thought it would, let me know and I'll make it right!

For this week only, if you purchase $30 worth of product, I'll give you the lipstick of your choice at 50% off.

We also have a ton of incredible holiday products coming out next month, so if you'd like to go ahead and invest in some holiday shopping, you can purchase a Star Certificate from me this week. When you purchase a $100 Star Certificate, you'll receive $125 worth of fabulous Mary Kay product! A $200 Star Certificate will provide you with $250 of wonderful Mary Kay product!

Men, this is a great time to treat the ladies in your life to a "Just Because" gift and earn a ton of brownie points. Just browse these gift ideas and pick the one you like best!

So stop by my web site this weekend. Try a new look on our Virtual Makeover! Think about the events you have on the horizon and the gifts you might be needing. Please let me know if you have any questions or need advice. And help a sister meet her goal! You are appreciated!
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